"I can see clearly now, the brain has gone"

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Here Goes!

Here goes. I'm not much of a writer. More of a talker. But I figure I'll give my family and friends a break from my soapbox and try a new outlet.

A little about me...
I am a 34 y/o Catholic convert (or should i say a reconciled Catholic) from being an Evangelical Christian for about 18 years. I guess I came to the conclusion that the problem with the Catholic Church is that it is full of human beings (of which I happen to be one;a chief of sinners even!). For many years, being somewhat of an idealist, I was always trying to find out what was wrong with Christianity. All the hypocrites, the sin within, the division, etc. Many influences on this journey have been Kreeft, Chesterton, Lewis, and studying Francis of Assisi, etc. Of course add Scott Hahn, mixed with a bit of Mark Shea, and well, I guess my mind was on to something. One influential book, Peter Kreeft's book Fundamentals of the Faith, explains it well. First, we must see if Truth exists (or is it all relative). If it does, there must be things that aren't true. Ok, is there a God? Who is this God? I believe He the God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob. I believe in Jesus. I believe in the Holy Spirit. Yep, the Trinity. (See Apostle's Creed. I think that does a pretty good job defining who God is as defined in the Holy Scriptures.).I guess I made it this far as an Evangelical. But there was always an unanswered question floating around in my head. What is the Church?! What is this business about "One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church"? Ahh, that is the question that I pursued for many years until coming to believe in...One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
The story is much deeper than that but I guess that is my journey in a really small nutshell.
I'd write more but I gotta go to Mass with the fam.

Pax Christi

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