"I can see clearly now, the brain has gone"

Monday, January 28, 2008

Today's Mass readings

Mark 3:22-30

vs. 24-25 "If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand."

This seems to follow up with yesterday's readings. What comes to my mind this morning is what good old Abe said. "United we stand, divided, we fall."

Republican vs. Democrat. Conservative vs. Liberal. Heck, it seems like we have more division in the "UNITED" States than the Civil War era! Why is that? Maybe because we are in an "individual" era. It's all about me. I am the center of the universe. I think what this country needs is a big group hug. Men need to get in touch with their "feminine" sides and women, their "masculine" sides...oh, wait that's already happening. So much so, that we don't know who the heck we are any more. God forbid we discuss "roles" within marriage or even children obeying their parents. After all, "it's all about me and what I want" right? Wrong! I think I did learn a few things in the Army. How come we have the best military in the world? Because everyone has a part to play and if one does not "play" it, there will be consequenses. Our culture has misunderstood the word equality. Sure, we are created equal but NOT the same. There is a reason for our differences. My wife once said that America used to be the melting pot but now we are a tossed salad. Again, united we stand, divided we fall.

As I write this I find a paradox going on here. We need to be united, "ONE nation under God". One nation but many parts. The individuals with the same goal, the same end in sight. Ahh, I think I got it. One nation under me? Under you? Under man, woman, gay, straight, liberal, conservative? Nope. Under God. I think that has to be the unifying factor. If not, we will indeed be divided. Again, we seem to be in the age of the "self". Where the self is the final destination. All the current issues in our lives ironicly can be solved not by serving the self but by dying to self (of course so that He may live).

Maybe I am an idealist. Maybe I am just dreaming. As if we could all die to ourselves and focus on the One who created us. After all, that would achieve unity wouldn't it?

Live once, die twice. Live twice, die once.

God bless.

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