"I can see clearly now, the brain has gone"

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The love of Niagara

A friend of mine recently told me that the love of God is like Niagara Falls. His love flowing, rushing, pouring over us almost overwhelmingly. Yes, it is indeed overwhelming. What if I am holding an umbrella to stay dry? To stay "safe"? Of course his reply to that was one of common sense. "The umbrella simply collapses under the strength of the water." Duh!
But why is this so hard to grasp? How could a perfect Shepherd love such weak and distracted sheep? A bigger question would be, how could I doubt this love? Maybe it is fear. Afraid to be a reservoir that feeds love to others only because of the love that feeds it. It is much more "safe" to be an undisturbed pond, which left to itself will become a swamp. A place for bugs and critters. OK, not to safe there!
So, how does one allow the love of God to change oneself. Surely, change will happen. First, by receiving His Holy Eucharist. Allowing Christ to enter into us in a way that is real, that is tangible. This is more than just a figurative analogy, one of His parables. This is indeed real. Second, by going to confession regularly. "Cleaning house" quite frequently creats a sactuary for our Lord...and for ourselves. Thirdly, the tough part, by serving Him in the ordinary. I must allow myself to be "disturbed" from quiet times of reading and prayer to help with the daily household tasks, be it loading the dishes in the dishwasher, putting a bandaid on Molly's knee or picking up the dog's poop (after I stepped in it of course!). After all, isn't this what our Lord calls us to? To be what we are called to be. A father, a husband, a priest or religious. Most of all, His child. And if I love my children, how much more, infinitely more He loves this child?!

1 comment:

Concord Pastor said...

Tom - you should be posting more frequently!