"I can see clearly now, the brain has gone"

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Show Me The Money!!!

This is just what we need people! Hey, I'm not complaining in terms of getting more dough back from Uncle Sam, BUT...

We all need to tighten our belts. From the feds to little Jimmy who makes 25 bucks a week on his paper route. Let's face it, times are tough! I think part of the problem today is that we have such high standards of living. We need to head in a direction that will allow the grampas out there to stop sayin, "When I was your age..."

After all, they have a point. They were lucky to have ONE car in the driveway. Steak was a luxury. And your own bedroom...much less with an Xbox 360, home entertainment center, your own phone line...no, wait I forgot, kids have their own cell phones today.

Will we, as Americans step down from such "royalty"? Not to be a skeptic but I doubt it. But I think most would agree--we NEED to. I admit, I feel the pull of the Joneses. But then I come back to reality and realize that there is not enough Prozac in the world to keep the Joneses happy. "What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul?" And gaining the whole world? That's to heavy anyway!


Denise Huff McEwen said...


Great thought. A hallmark of a capitalistic society is the ability to realize what we dream without too much government interference. But the dream is nothing if it is driven by outdoing one another out of jealousy.

Scripture also encourages us to outdo each other in doing good; my interpretation is not to outdo out of jealousy, but out of inspiration by another who is being selfless.

All the best & keep on blogging!

Jessica said...

I've always felt that anything you haven't given away when you die will be counted against you: You know, like in scrabble when the tiles you have left count as negative points... Cool blog, Tom! Mine is www.tenthousandplaces.wordpress.com
